Meet Paulie Walnuts, a fictional character from the well-known HBO series “The Sopranos” that aired from 1999 to 2007. Paulie’s real name is Paul Gualtieri, and he is a member of the DiMeo crime family, serving as one of Tony Soprano’s most loyal soldiers. Actor Tony Sirico portrayed him in the series.
Paulie Walnuts is popularly recognized for his stoic attitude, humorous mistakes, and unwavering loyalty to Tony Soprano. He is actively involved in the criminal activities of the DiMeo crime family and is renowned for his robust personality, violent problem-solving techniques, and street smarts. His sense of humor and ability to lighten the mood in stressful situations also make him a beloved character.
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Paulie Walnuts’ quotes are a reflection of his loyalty, strong personality, and violent problem-solving tendencies. While his quotes can be funny or serious, they are undoubtedly memorable.
Top 10 Popular Paulie Walnuts Quotes All Time:
Here are the top 10 popular Paulie Walnuts quotes of all time:
- “I ain’t no fag. I ain’t no fag.”
- “I got a good heart. I’m just misunderstood.”
- “You know what the trouble with you is? You got no vision.”
- “I’m a grown man. I can take care of myself.”
- “I’m a businessman, not a criminal.”
- “I ain’t no fag, but I got a sensitive side.”
- “I’m the brains behind this operation.”
- “I’m no angel, but I ain’t no devil either.”
- “I’m just a regular guy who knows how to get things done.”
- “I ain’t no dummy. I know how to play the game.”