Engage with your targeted customers through Whatsapp Business API


Had someone told you how powerful Whatsapp Business API is, especially for medium to large companies? Businesses can now easily communicate with multiple customers at scale. Businesses can create a customized communication flow with automated replies, chatbots, and interactive messages. Technology is slowly disguising tedious manual communication with automated communication and interactive messages. 

Receiving a “Heya” in response to “Hey” sounds more connecting than a boring ” Hello.: This is what we mean when we say this API boosts engagement. Tried forever to build lasting customer relationships? This API helps. Whatsapp Business API is not a free service; medium to large businesses enjoy advanced features and customization. To improve efficiency, you can integrate this API with other systems. Given below are some tips to engage targeted customers through Whatsapp Business API for those who are yet to be convinced:

1. Bulk messages

 Whatsapp Business API saves resources and time by sending bulk messages and using chatbots. It allows businesses to exchange messages. These messages are rich media messages, voice messages, and location-based messages. Businesses will directly profit through more engaging customer experiences.

2. Modernization

Whatsapp Business API can help medium-sized businesses to modernize their communication process. Not to miss what it had to do with the large businesses! It helps them with advanced features and better customer communication. 

3. Chatbots

To handle common customer queries, Whatsapp Business API allows businesses to create and install chatbots. 80% of customer inquiries are repeated, so the chatbot can easily answer them. In return, they help every single business unit to improve the level of customer satisfaction without much manual labor, so just relax. You can also solve some regular issues of the customers with it. 

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4. Templates

Whatsapp Business API offers many pre-approved message templates. Businesses use these templates to send customers messages, notifications, and alerts. By the way, before proceeding ahead, have you ever used any of them in your business? Firms can strengthen their relationship with their customers through this newly developed API.  

5. Automated messages

Send ready automated messages to customers through Whatsapp Business API while confirming orders, booking appointments, giving reminders, and sending shipping notifications, feeling relaxed! Yes, this is the purpose behind it! It wants you to focus on your business completely. 

6. Integration

Integrate Whatsapp Business API with many business tools like CRM systems and E-commerce platforms. Enjoy the list of powerful features it has for every business size to communicate more efficiently and effectively with customers. Ask your parents how tough it was for them to do everything manually! Time, patience, and hard work, you needed everything in ample. You can now focus your efficiency somewhere else. Keep going!

7. Media sharing  

What else does a business need when they can share tailored media types with customers? Share images, videos, and documents with customers with just a single click. It is real. Remember keeping so many files and sharing by locating each one earlier. I know you are sweating with the thought. Customers get detailed information on products and services. Photo and visual captures attention and encourages customers to interact more with the brand. You can resolve the support conversations within a second, that too efficiently. 

8. Analytics Data

What if I tell you this API adds analytics data? Interesting, and it definitely means the company can engage with the customers like their acquaintance. Businesses can track response rates. It helps you to understand the messaging strategy with ease. 

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9. Quick answering of customers’ inquiries

WhatsApp’s 24-hour window for session messages does not charge extra for answering customer queries. Since the engaged customer can use reply templates or chatbots, the companies can create automated replies for quicker responses. WhatsApp business templates will save time and effort for companies. 

10. Notifications

It can help companies to contact customers only by using business-initiated notifications. Utility, authentication, and marketing are the three types of conversations that businesses can initiate. To initiate a conversation, businesses have to use Whatsapp API templates. For every kind of conversation, mostly you always get the answer automatically. For example, a utility message could be an order confirmation. An authentication message could be a one-time password. The rate of each message depends upon the type of message and the recipient’s country code. The companies should calculate the return on investment beforehand to determine whether a payable notification is worth it. When was the last time your WhatsApp received one such message? With me, it happened just a minute back from a store that I was checking two minutes back. Oops! 

11. Know your customers

To engage the customers on WhatsApp,  never miss to understand their needs, likeness, preferences, and behaviors. Every company tries its best to gather data and insights about its targeted audience. Their likes, demographics, and communication habits help a lot in selling. Is this information helpful for the companies to draft their messages? It will be simple: when you want to know about a women’s top, they will never share the information about men’s t-shirts. Sounds so relatable, indeed! 

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12. Personalized messages

Personalization goes hand in hand if you want to have engaging customers. It becomes simple for any company to deliver personalized messages to customers using their data. It creates a sense of connection, and customers feel valued. You would have had the same experience in such circumstances, right?

13. Timely and relevant information

To engage with customers effectively, companies must deliver timely and must be eager to share the needed information. Companies use this API for real-time updates on order status, sending reminders, and exclusive offers. How can we miss delivery notifications? Sending the needed information will directly increase the customers’ engagement with the brand. Have you ever thought of doing a good SEO for your brand? API will add more starts to it. Try it once! 

14. Two-way communication

With this API, the company can motivate customers to participate in conversations. They do so by using interactive surveys, polls, and contests. They directly collect customer feedback and opinions through this. Actively responding to customer queries, comments, and feedback builds community and trust in equal ratio.

Wrapping Up

Enhancing customer engagement by optimizing the Whatsapp Business API strategy is trending. A baseless interaction is of no good anywhere, even in any company. It starts by understanding the customers, using the right form of automation and personalized messages, and providing information always on time. It is the right time to unlock the potential of Whatsapp Business API. Don’t be surprised if it drives engagement and business growth in this ever-growing digital world in this changing world!Â